Friday, July 6, 2012

Dance Maria Dance Dance!

"There are three things no Indian man can resist: a beautiful face, a beautiful song, and an invitation to dance." - Shantaram

Wow was I wrong when I said Indian people are conservative about dancing! They friggen love it! When my warden brought me dinner tonight she said, "Mariah music! Music! -Random Tamil gibberish- Music music!" And I scarfed down my naan and sambaar and ran outside to be swept away by the girls from Seva Sadan. They were all still in their uniforms but there was a band playing some great live Tamil music. I wanted to make my way slowly into the crowd but the second the girls saw me the ran up to me as fast as they could and grabbed me by the arms and forced me to dance. I was annoyed at first but I remembered a scene in Shantaram where Lin is feeling sad at a wedding, but joins in the dancing because you just can't resist the urge here! It's contagious. So the girls taught me some crazy dance moves and I busted out my flowlights and they were crazy about it! All in all, there are no words for how much fun it is to dance to some real good Indian music with a bunch of crazy 13-year olds.


  1. The last pic: Penguins in training lol.. is life without FB? (It took me a minute to get used to it but I love it!) FREEDOM!

    1. It's so nice. I feel so free! I don't feel like I have to update people every few hours on my status, I can just enjoy moments to myself! Plus I don't know what everyone else is doing so I don't get jealous when they're having fun and I'm stuck in school working.

  2. hahaha yes!! Those girls look like they'd be the bomb at any rave any day

    1. Only if the rave was playing.... CURRYSTEP!

    2. OOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!!! so what does Tamil music sound like anyway? I want links!
